How to Sign an Autograph Page

If your school is using LINK yearbooks this year, and you would like to start signing your friends autograph pages, start by logging into LINK yearbooks

Go to the autograph tab in the upper right-hand corner of the page, this will take you to the create digital yearbooks autograph page. You will be asked to enter an autograph code. This is a code unique to you and your friends, so they will need to share this code with you in order for you to sign their yearbook. Touch base with them if you would like their autograph code!

After entering their autograph code, you will be directed to the autograph designer, here you can start creating an autograph page for your friend:

The Upload button will allow you to upload photos to the autograph designer. Click on the camera icon, then select the “browse” button to upload a photo from your device:

To add text to a page, click the text button. You can choose from one of our default font options, once the text box is on the page, you can change the font type and color

If you’re not quite sure what you want to put on your friends autograph page, you can start with one of our predesign templates. All templates are editable, you can add and remove any content on the template. Go to the template button to look though our predesigned templates:

If your page is looking kind of plain, you can add a background to it by choosing from our library of backgrounds:

Once you are done with the page and happy with your design, click the save and continue button to submit your autograph page.

If you are happy with your design, click the submit autograph button. If you need to make some more edits, click the gray edit some more button. Please note, once you hit the “submit autograph” button, your autograph page will no longer be editable.

If your autograph page successfully submitted, you will be directed to a ‘thank you” page, and you will also receive an email confirmation that your autograph was submitted. Your friends will be able to see their autograph pages in the autograph tab in the school’s memory book.

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