“Advisor’s Guide to LinkYearbooks and Managing e-Yearbooks”

E-Yearbooks are Entourage’s way of setting up a digital yearbook alterative to the actual printed books. LINK Yearbooks is Entourage’s platform for digital yearbooks. Your school community can do the following with e-Yearbooks:

  • Give the people in your community a virtual option to viewing their yearbook. LINK yearbooks is compatible with smart- devices. Using our memory board feature, users can easily flip through the digital yearbook on their smart devices
  • Comment and Like pages in your yearbook. Your school community can like and comment on any page in their digital yearbook. All the notifications of what’s going on in their yearbook will show up on the newsfeed, so they can see what other people are liking/saying about the page.
  • Digital Autograph signing. LINK yearbooks provide a digital autograph signing experience for all users, so students can sign each other’s yearbooks online.

Attached to this help page are 2 PDFs for your school community that explains how to use LINK yearbooks, how to use their access codes, and how to design autograph pages. You can download these pages and print them out for your school community, or send them in an email.

It get started with LINK yearbooks, you are going to want to turn it on for your account. Login to your Entourage Yearbooks project, and go to MANAGE> MANAGE LINK.

If you would like to allow your school community to interact with a digital yearbook, you are going to want to switch “allow e-Yearbook” access to “on” my moving the toggle so it turns blue. This will allow the memory board feature to be accessible as well as the newsfeed feature. You can also make the first 3 pages of your yearbook public by turning on the “allow public previews” toggle. If you would like your school community to be able to use our digital autographing feature, you are also going to want to turn on the toggle for “enable digital autographs”.

You can also choose to sell your e-Yearbook online using our LINK store. We will suggest a minimum price for you to sell your yearbook at, but you can change that in the drop down to be more, or less, or even free of charge! If you would like to charge for your e-Yearbook, make sure you also turn on online yearbook sales for your yearbook, click here to read about how to do that.

Choose what you would like your e-Yearbook release date would be. This date is based on when you are actually planning on receiving your physical books for delivery. You can have the release date be as soon as your books get delivered, or later in the year:

Making an access code with allow users to view your book the e-Yearbook on LINK yearbooks. You can make a trial access code to start with for everyone in your school community. This will allow them to interact with the website and sign each other’s yearbooks for up to 60 days. After that the users will be prompted to buy a permanent access code for a one time fee. Be sure to make your trial access code something simple that your school community will remember. Usually the name of you school and the year will do it.

Your book account is also allocated permanent access codes for use on LinkYearbooks to view your book online. The number of access codes allocated is based on the number of books you order.  So if you order 200 yearbooks, you will be given 200 access codes that you can then hand-out to your school community. Users can also buy access codes online using e-Yearbook sales. You can download PDFs of your access codes once your book is approved and hand them out to people in your community. Normally, people hand these out to each student who has received a physical book. We have seen that yearbook organizers also give this to principals and faculty who would like to see a yearbook but haven’t purchased a book. Each access code can be used by one person. If you would like more access codes, you can click the “request more access codes” button.

Once you have everything set up for your LINK yearbook, save the URL at the bottom of the page. This is where your school community will go on the release date of their e-Yearbook to access their e-yearbook and digital autograph pages. On the release date, they can navigate to the link provided and see a button they can use to access LINK yearbooks, and your schools e-yearbook:

You can also customize the URL to be something more specific to your school:

Attached to this help page are 2 PDFs for your school community that explains how to use LINK yearbooks, how to use their access codes, and how to design autograph pages. You can download these pages and print them out for your school community, or send them in an email.

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